The selection input allows you to modify many parts of your PDF at the same time. However, it may seem complicated to those who are not familiar with it. It is well worth learning as it can save a ton of time in the remediation process.

Intro to Selection

Choosing a selection can be done by asking the below questions.

Do I need to run the current tool once? If so, am I comfortable moving the tag to its intended position?

If you answered yes, choose the Document Root as the selection type. This will add the selection to the root of the document. This is the default selection because it works for most users. The tool output is easy to find and it doesn’t require much thought to set up. You do have to move the tag to its final destination though.

If you need to run the tool once, but you want it in a specific position, you must use a different selection type.

If you answered no either of the above questions, you need one of the special types listed below.

Selection Types

Filter Selection

Once you have your selection, use the below features to finetune it. These are optional.